Inner Well-Being

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Lack of sleep can affect us in many ways, it is not just the lack of rest, it also impacts our functions:

  • Weight Gain
  • Brain Fog and Forgetfulness
  • Weaker Immune System
  • Increase of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke
  • Decreased Desire for Sex
  • Higher Risk for Cancer
  • Age Quicker with skins wrinkling, etc.

Yes, all of the above is negative and not a good thing, but no matter how we try at times, we just wake up, can’t get back to sleep and continue to lose more and more sleep over time. There are a few things we can do to help get better sleep.

  • Depending on how you tolerate stimuli, try the following:
    • Sound machines and ambient sounds, especially good if you are missing a specific environment (move from the city to the country or vice versa)
    • Listen to a PodCast
    • Listen to Music
    • Listen to an AudioBook
  • DO NOT will yourself to sleep – this can cause your mind to focus more on things instead of going into a relaxed state
    • Go ahead and get up out of bed after trying to sleep for 20 – 30 minutes. Do something that doesn’t involve exposure to light. Just as trying to sleep makes you stay awake so the reverse psychology goes that trying to stay awake makes you sleepy
  • Is Your Bedtime Routine the Best Routine?
    • Is your room too cold or too hot? Too many covers, not enough covers?
    • Are you going to bed too close to after eating?
    • Are you going to bed too early or are you going to bed too late?
    • Is your mattress too hard or too soft?
    • Are your pillows too hard to too soft?
  • A couple hours before bedtime, write in a journal or notebook all the tasks you need to achieve in the upcoming days. This allows you to dump all the tasks/activities your mind would be focused on while normally trying to fall asleep. This allows you to feel that everything is being handled and you are on target with it
  • Prior to going to bed, try relaxation methods such as night/bedtime yoga, mediation, breathing methods or muscle relaxation routines

Play around with the above and find what works best for you! Please let me know of additional techniques that you use that are not listed in the list above.

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