Outer Beauty

Sagging Facial Skin?

Photo by Gabb Tapique from Pexels

Do you happen to have sagging jowls or loose skin on other parts of your face? There are simple and easy remedies rather than taking injections or going under the knife. The recipe below is very cost effective. The extract of aloe vera assists with building up collagen. Collagen, in turn, can reduce wrinkles, tighten and assists with your face looking brighter and younger.


  • 1 Tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel


That’s it. Take the tablespoon of aloe vera gel and apply generously to your face to the areas in which the skin is sagging. Leave on for 30 minutes and then remove with a damp cloth/cool water. Perform several times a week.

If you don’t feel like messing with aloe vera then take a stab at face yoga. Yes, it’s a thing and brings about great rewards.

For your Jowls –

  1. Hold your chin with both hands
  2. Apply firm pressure
  3. Move your hands and nudge upwards, toward your cheeks
  4. While doing the above, move your chin to the right and left – you may pucker your lips as well, as if getting ready to give a kiss
  5. Repeat 24 times

Of course both methods, whether using the Aloe Gel or the Yoga, will take time. It isn’t instant, but you won’t spends thousands of dollars nor will you experience pain in achieving firmer skin.

What was your favorite method?

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