Inner Well-Being Services

Using Wisdom for the Art of Steering Situations

Photo by Eduardo Braga from Pexels

Wisdom has been defined as ‘the art of steering’. As you go through life, you will need to navigate many types of situations that will require wisdom in order to avoid damaging yourself or others. Wisdom will keep you steering along the right paths. It will also keep you grounded and on your ‘true’ path.

Difficult times in your life can take you off course and in the wrong direction. However, if you stay on the right course it will lead to greater compassion and wisdom. Learn to understand the differences between the paths that are wrong or incorrect for you vs. the path that is correct for you… your true path.

Have you ever found yourself trying and trying and trying in a particular area of your life that just doesn’t ever seem to turn out right? This may be an indicator that you are not on the right path. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try, it just means if you are trying hard and nothing ever comes of the results then now is a great time to assess the following:

  1. What are you wanting/needing?
  2. How are you going about it?
  3. If you have tried several times in different ways to achieve what you want/need and nothing is coming from it then reassess the areas that are working well in your life and shift your want/need to use solutions with what is going well

The first part of wisdom comes in to play when acknowledging when you are not on the right path. The second part of wisdom comes in ensuring you do not hurt yourself or others in trying to achieve your outcomes. Example: You want a promotion – you have worked hard, you have advised management you want a promotion, you have up-skilled in certain areas, etc. Management then advises they have another person they are considering that you feel is nowhere near the level of skill or experience that you have. What would be your reaction or next steps? This is where wisdom comes into play – ensure that your reaction and next steps is based on keeping your attitude positive and ensuring management understands your thought process by using facts (try not to be emotional or subjective). Management may not have thought of some of your data points. At the end of the day, some of this is out of your control. If they choose you then awesome, you used wisdom to get the promotion. If you did not get the job (and you have tried a few times for a promotion) then that is okay, you still used wisdom – you have done and tried everything you could do to get a promotion. Maybe this particular company is not the company for you for long-term growth. Change tactics and look outside that company for a better opportunity for whatever role/position you seek. You still used wisdom – you didn’t speak badly about another person, you didn’t react negatively to the situation and more importantly, you didn’t burn any bridges. This world is a very small world, bad feedback and blacklisting unfortunately occurs; however, you used wisdom to carry you through this situation and will know you left on great terms.

I am very grounded in my faith and when I feel I am failing or that I am not on the right path, I actually pray and ask for wisdom – how would God want me to handle a particular situation. Believe it or not, when I do my daily devotions, I will typically get the answers I need through the reading of scripture. God’s help and wisdom may not always change the situation, but He will help you navigate through the struggles you face.

Do you feel as if you are failing in a particular area or no matter what you do things never come out the way you need it to? Feel free to reach out to me or schedule time with me if you would like to discuss circumstances around understanding your true path.

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