
The Cliffs of Moher in Beautiful Ireland

Cliffs of Moher (Ireland)

One of the stops on our tour of Ireland was the Cliffs of Moher. It was eerily beautiful – imagine a hazy day with the fog climbing up the cliffs from water level – it eventually climbed its way up to the top of the cliffs. The fog was one that remind me of the fogs in San Francisco. The fog comes in just as quickly as it leaves. Our driver took us to the top of the cliffs. I am not one for large heights and begged my husband to not get too close to the edge – remember it was foggy too! However, it did not stop us from enjoying the beauty of these cliffs! There were not a lot of people atop the cliffs when we were there (September 2019) so we could focus on the sights and sounds. I felt the slight salty wind against my face as I walked the ancient rocks that made up this part of the Cliffs of Moher. I saw God’s mighty hand in his creation of this earth. This is definitely a spot you will want to see. Pictures cannot begin to show the colors, the ambiance and the nature within this spot.

By the way, there were a few cows that were grazing within an old rock wall at the tops of the cliff. They had the most beautiful site in which to graze. In America we are used to the commercial that California cows are happy cows. They may be, but I believe that Ireland cows have them beat.

As you can see from the picture the brightness of the greens against the grey of the rock and the blueish green of the water contrast in the most harmonic way. These cliffs run almost 5 miles and range from 394 feet high to 702 feet high, depending where you are on these cliffs.

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