Memorial of Moses (Mount Nebo)

Mount Nebo is where Moses died after having seen the Promised Land. The views are spectacular! From atop Mount Nebo, which stands at around 2,680 feet above sea level, you can see the Dead Sea and the desert, the Valley of the Jordan River, Jebel Osh and the southern slopes of the Wadi Zarqa. On clearer days you can view Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives and Ramallah. When looking down into the Jordan Valley, you can easily view Qumran beside the Dead Sea as well as the oasis of Jericho.

Al-Quds St., Mt Nebo, Madaba, Madaba Governorate 17110

Phone Number:
+962 7 7654 2056

Operating Hours:
Mon-Sun 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Price: Free (at the time we traveled here)


Travel Tips:

Don’t forget to view the mosaics within The Moses Memorial Church. It contains a fascinating collection of Byzantine mosaics.

There are views from Mount Nebo in which you can view Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. You can see Jericho, Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, the Mount of Olives, and the Dead Sea. There is a map and directional views at the back of the church.

Moses was buried on Mount Nebo; however, his actual resting place is unknown. There is a memorial stone for him atop Mount Nebo.

Ensure that you are taking care of your skin and use Avon’s Isa Knox Anew Face & Body Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 50. You will need this sunscreen as you are walking Mount Nebo. There is shade within the church, but when you are out in the sun you will need to protect your skin. If it is a combination of bug guard and sunscreen that you need then, Avon’s Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Gentle Breeze SPF 30 Lotion is the way to go!

When touring the Middle East, you need to be careful with what you pack and with what you wear. Be aware of what tours require a female to be completely covered vs what tours are more liberal with a female’s appearance. These Eyelet Mule Sneakers are great for exploring Mount Nebo.

Whatever your destination is in Jordan, don’t miss out on Mount Nebo. There is such biblical historical significance, and the views are quite amazing!

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