Remote Worker Coaching

6 Effective Ways of Starting and Ending Your Day as a Remote Worker

Top 5 Tips in Creating a Work/Life Balance

As a remote worker, it is important to establish a routine that helps you to start and end your day effectively. Here are six tips for starting and ending your day as a remote worker:

1. Start your day with a morning routine

  • Wake up at a consistent time each day, even on weekends as this can help regulate your body clock and make it easier to fall asleep at night.
  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed as this can help rehydrate your body after a night of sleep and help energize you for the day ahead.
  • Stretch or do some light exercise to get your muscles moving and your blood flowing as this can help wake you up and improve your mood and energy levels.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast to fuel your body and brain for the day ahead. This can include whole grains, protein, and fruits or vegetables.
  • Take a few minutes to plan out your day and set some goals or priorities as this can help you feel organized and in control and make it easier to focus and stay on track.
  • Take some time to relax and unwind, such as by meditating, reading, or listening to music as this can help clear your mind and prepare you for the day ahead.

#2. Set aside time for planning

  • Spend some time in the morning planning out your tasks and priorities for the day. This can help you to stay focused and organized throughout the day.
  • Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete that day. This can include work tasks, personal tasks, and errands.
  • Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. By tackling the most important and urgent tasks first, it will help you make the most of your time and ensure that you get the most important things done. You can use the Eisenhower Matrix, which divides tasks into four categories: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and not urgent and not important.
  • Estimate how long each task will take to complete and schedule them into your day. Be realistic and allow for flexibility, as unexpected things can come up.
  • Consider using a planner or scheduling app to help you organize your tasks and keep track of your time. This can make it easier to stay on top of your priorities and avoid overbooking yourself. If in a corporate environment, use the task features within Outlook or use a Kanban board to move tasks through your defined workflow.

#3. Create a dedicated workspace

To create a dedicated workspace, you will need a space where you can work without any distractions or interruptions. This could be a separate room in your home or office, or a designated area in a shared workspace. Here are some steps you can follow to create a dedicated workspace:

  • Identify a space that is large enough to accommodate all of the necessary equipment and materials that you will need to work. This space should be quiet and free from distractions such as loud noises, foot traffic, and other potential interruptions.
  • Consider the layout of the space and arrange the furniture and equipment in a way that promotes productivity and comfort. This might involve creating a comfortable chair and desk setup, as well as setting up a computer or other necessary equipment. Some businesses have free ergonomic services and furniture to also assist in your setup.
  • Make sure the space is well-lit and has adequate ventilation. A dedicated workspace should be a comfortable and inviting place to work, so consider adding personal touches such as plants, artwork, or other decorations to make it feel like your own.
  • Consider the storage needs of your workspace and make sure you have enough space to keep your materials organized and easily accessible. This might involve using shelves, drawers, or other storage solutions to keep your workspace neat and tidy.
  • Lastly, make sure you have all of the necessary tools and equipment that you need to work effectively. This might include a computer, printer, and other office equipment, as well as any necessary software or resources that you need to complete your work.

Overall, creating a dedicated workspace involves finding a suitable space that is quiet, comfortable and distraction-free, arranging it in a way that promotes productivity, and making sure you have all of the necessary tools and equipment to work effectively.

#4. Take regular breaks

  • Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day to rest, recharge, and refocus. This is such an important thing to do – many people skip this because they are so busy or feel they don’t have time because their meetings are back-to-back; however, get up out of your chair and walk around your house, grab a glass of water – anything to get out of your chair and moving a few times a day.

#5. Stay connected

Staying connected with your coworkers in a remote environment can be a challenge, but there are several steps you can take to maintain strong connections and foster collaboration.

  • Use communication tools to stay in touch with your coworkers. This might involve using email, instant messaging, or video conferencing to communicate with your team on a regular basis.
  • Create a virtual workspace where your team can share documents, collaborate on projects, and stay up to date on the latest developments.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with your team to discuss progress, address any issues, and provide support. These check-ins can be done through video conferencing or other communication tools and can help to keep your team on track and working together effectively.
  • Make an effort to build personal connections with your coworkers. This might involve setting up virtual social events, such as happy hours or game nights, or simply taking the time to chat with your coworkers about their lives and interests.
  • If possible, try to meet in person on a regular basis. While remote work can be effective, there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction. Meeting in person can help to build stronger connections with your team and improve collaboration. I find it fun to meet 1:1 with my co-workers in person by meeting somewhere half-way between our homes to go to lunch. This keeps true to something we all did in the office, but now allows a normal routine while working from home. This gets you out of the house as well.

Overall, staying connected with your coworkers in a remote environment requires regular communication and collaboration, as well as a willingness to build personal connections and meet in person when possible.

#6. End your day with a closing routine

  • Review your to-do list and prioritize tasks for the following day. This will help you to stay organized and focused and ensure that you are making progress on the most important tasks.
  • Write a quick summary of what you accomplished during the day. This will help you to reflect on your progress and identify any areas where you can improve.
  • Disconnect from work-related technology. This might involve shutting down your computer, disconnecting from the internet, or silencing your phone. Taking a break from technology can help you to unwind and recharge for the next day.
  • Get some physical activity. Exercise can help to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels. Consider going for a walk, doing some yoga, or engaging in another form of physical activity to end your workday on a positive note.
  • Connect with loved ones. Spending time with friends and family can help to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Consider setting aside some time at the end of your workday to connect with loved ones and enjoy some quality time together.

By following these tips, you can start and end your day as a remote worker in a way that helps you to stay productive, focused, and engaged. Feel free to read my other posts regarding remote work.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any specialized coaching in remote or virtual work-related efforts or if you would like to engage me as a speaker on this topic at one of your future events! You can find other remote work-related posts on my Remote Worker Coaching page.

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