Remote Worker Coaching

Top 6 Ways to Avoid Interruptions and Distractions When Working Remotely

Top 5 Tips in Creating a Work/Life Balance

As a remote worker, it can be challenging to avoid interruptions and distractions. There are many ways to avoid interruptions and distractions while working remotely. Listed below are my top 6 tips:

#1. Create a dedicated workspace

#2. Communicate your availability

  • Use a shared calendar tool such as Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook to mark your availability. This will allow your team to see when you are free or busy and schedule meetings accordingly.
  • Many project management tools have a feature that allows you to specify your availability for the week. This can be a convenient way for your team to know when you are available for meetings or when you are working on other tasks.
  • Use messaging or chat tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams to communicate your availability in real-time. For example, you can set your status to “available” or “away” to let your team know when you are in meetings or when you are busy.
  • If you don’t have access to a shared calendar or project management tool, you can also use email to communicate your availability. Simply send a message to your team outlining when you are available for meetings or when you are unavailable. There are also ‘out of office’ features where you can send automatic email replies to anyone emailing you stating the timeframe that you will be out of the office and when they can expect a response back from you.
  • It’s important to be clear and consistent in your communication about your availability, so that your team knows when they can expect a response or when they should schedule meetings. Let your team and colleagues know when you are available and when you are not as this can help to prevent interruptions during times when you need to focus.

#3. Use Tools to Stop Distractions

  • Use tools to block distracting websites or apps while you’re working – some tools include Freedom, Cold Turkey, FocusMe, Forestand or StayFocusd.
  • Use the Focus features on your iPhone.
  • Having a prioritized list of tasks can help you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by distractions. Keep your to-do list in a visible place and check items off as you complete them to stay motivated and focused.

#4. Take regular breaks

  • It’s important to take breaks from work to recharge and refocus. During these breaks, step away from your computer and engage in an activity that helps you relax and clear your mind, such as going for a walk or stretching.
  • Other ways of recharging and refocusing include a few office yoga stretches, quiet mediation for a few moments or just sitting in place and closing your eyes to give them a rest.

#5. Use Headphones or White Noise

  • If you need to work in a noisy environment, use headphones to block out background noise and improve your concentration. Look for headphones with a high noise-cancellation rating and try different types, such as over-ear or in-ear, to find the best fit for your needs.
  • Use white noise such as the sound of rain or ocean waves – this can help mask background noise and create a sense of calm. You can use a white noise machine or find white noise tracks online to play in the background while you work. For example, Noisli allows you to mix different sounds, such as rain and thunder, to create a custom white noise soundtrack.

#6. Set Boundaries

Set boundaries around your work time and personal time and stick to them – when you enter your home office then you are at work. When you leave your home office for lunch or for the evening then you are on personal time.

  • Set boundaries with your family and make it clear to them that while in your home office that they are not to interrupt you unless it is dire (Explain your rules of dire for your kids). I also put notes on my door that read that I was in a meeting and was not to be disturbed.
  • If your kids are younger and not in school, then it is good to invest some money into a stay-home childcare worker during your work hours. Let your childcare worker know what your boundaries and expectations are as it pertains to interruptions
  • Set boundaries with your management teams and co-workers advising them hours that you are not available. I had a manager that wanted to have 1:1s at 6:00 pm. I had to let him know that I did not take recurring, routine meetings after 5:00 pm. Also, I do not take meetings before 7:30 am. It is okay to set boundaries.
  • DO NOT let work take advantage of your vacation time. A vacation is defined as a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation. I know a lot of people enjoy ‘staycations’. This is great; however, it becomes bad when we let work interrupt our scheduled vacation times. Set a boundary with your management teams and co-workers that you will not be available during your time out of work. If your job is one of those where a lot of people depend on you for certain tasks or deliverables, then select a co-worker to be your backup during this timeframe.

By following these tips, you can minimize interruptions and distractions while working remotely and improve your focus and productivity. Feel free to read my other posts regarding remote work.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any specialized coaching in remote or virtual work-related efforts or if you would like to engage me as a speaker on this topic at one of your future events! You can find other remote work-related posts on my Remote Worker Coaching page.

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