Remote Worker Coaching Services

Top 5 Tips on Achieving High Performance When Working Virtually

Top 5 Tips in Creating a Work/Life Balance

To achieve and show high performance when working virtually, you should focus on being productive, organized, and proactive. Here are some tips for achieving and showing high performance when working from home:

#1. Create a daily routine

  • Determine your schedule based on what hours you will work each day and stick to it. This will help you create a sense of structure and make it easier to stay focused on your work.
  • Set boundaries with your coworkers and family members to ensure that you have time to focus on your work without interruptions.
  • Make sure to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. This can include taking a walk, stretching, or meditating.
  • Create a designated workspace in your home that is separate from your living space. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.
  • Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and project management software to stay organized and on top of your work.
  • Communicate with your team and manager regularly to stay informed about what is happening in the company and to discuss any issues or concerns.

#2. Use tools and resources to help you stay organized

  • Use a calendar to schedule and track your meetings, tasks, and deadlines. This will help you stay on top of your work and ensure that you are not overbooked.
  • Create a to-do list of tasks that you need to complete each day, week, or month. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you are not forgetting anything important.
  • Use project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Basecamp to organize and manage your projects. These tools allow you to create to-do lists, track progress, and collaborate with your team.
  • Keep your work area clean and organized. This will help you stay focused and find things more easily.
  • Use the right tools for the task at hand. For example, if you need to create a presentation, use a presentation software like PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you need to write a report, use a word processing software like Word or Google Docs. Using the right tools will help you work more efficiently and stay organized.

#3. Communicate regularly with your team and colleagues

  • Schedule regular check-ins with your team and manager to stay informed about what is happening in the company and to discuss any issues or concerns.
  • Use collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Hangouts to stay in touch with your team and colleagues throughout the day. These tools allow you to send messages, share files, and hold virtual meetings.
  • Use video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet to hold regular meetings with your team and colleagues. This will help you feel more connected and facilitate better communication.
  • When communicating with your team and colleagues, make sure to use clear and concise language. This will help ensure that your message is understood and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Make sure to respond to messages and emails in a timely manner. This will help you stay on top of your work and show that you are reliable and responsive.

#4. Take initiative and be proactive

Don’t wait for others to tell you what to do. Take initiative and proactively seek out ways to contribute and add value to your team and your organization.

  • Communicate regularly by making sure to stay in touch with your team and manager regularly. This will help you stay informed about what is happening in the company and allow you to identify areas where you can take the lead.
  • Seek opportunities to take on additional responsibilities, don’t be afraid to speak up and volunteer. This will show that you are proactive and willing to take on new challenges.
  • Ask for feedback from your manager or colleagues about your work. This will help you understand what you are doing well and areas where you can improve.
  • Set specific, achievable goals for yourself and track your progress towards achieving them. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Make sure to stay organized and prioritize your tasks. This will help you stay on top of your work and ensure that you are being as productive as possible.

#5. Set goals and track your progress

Creating goals and tracking them can be a helpful way to stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. Here are some steps you can follow to create and track your goals:

  • Determine what you want to achieve by thinking about what you want to accomplish. Be specific and make sure the goal is realistic and achievable.
  • Set a deadline to establish a timeline for when you want to achieve your goal. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress.
  • Break your goal down into smaller, more manageable tasks rather than trying to tackle your goal all at once. This will help you stay focused and make progress on your goal more consistently.
  • Track your progress by writing down what you have accomplished each day or week. This will help you stay motivated and see how far you have come.
  • As you complete tasks and make progress towards your goal, take time to celebrate your achievements. This will help you stay motivated and continual progress of working towards your goal.

There are some key differences to consider when it comes to showing your performance as a remote employee versus someone who works in an office. For one, it’s important to be proactive in communicating with your manager and team members to ensure that they are aware of the work you are doing and the progress you are making. This may involve setting regular check-in meetings, sharing updates on your work, and being available to answer questions or provide information as needed. Additionally, you may need to be more disciplined in managing your time and staying focused on your work, as you may not have the same level of oversight or support that you would have in an office setting. Overall, the key is to be proactive, communicative, and organized in order to effectively demonstrate your performance as a remote employee.

By following these tips, you can achieve and show high performance when working from home and demonstrate your value and contributions to your team and organization. Feel free to read my other posts regarding remote work.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any specialized coaching in remote or virtual work-related efforts or if you would like to engage me as a speaker on this topic at one of your future events! You can find other remote work-related posts on my Remote Worker Coaching page.

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