Inner Well-Being

Visual Image Meditation Exercise

Simple Visual Meditation that only takes a few moments to slow down a racing mind!

As part of our travels to New Zealand, we found that there are many wellness retreats, health spas and hot pools. These hot pools are naturally heated via thermal waters. One technique brought back from New Zealand is a technique that will help to calm a racing mind – a type of meditation known as Visual Imagery.

I have constant ideas that flow through my mind.  Whether it’s lists or thoughts, my mind is never still.  This is a mental exercise I have used to slow my racing mind.  There are two ways you can do this:

1) Beginner: Focus on an inanimate object in the room that can bring you comfort (picture of a loved one, pattern on a pillow, etc.)

2) Advanced: Focus on a mental image that brings you comfort – this can be a little more difficult because with a racing mind, those thoughts may start taking over you mental image

Focus on the above for 5 minutes on day 1 (if your mind goes back to racing to other thoughts, recognize it and bring your mind back to the physical or mental image)

On day 2 and beyond, focus on the physical or mental image for 10 minutes.  

This is a very simple exercise you can perform that gives your mind something tangible to focus on and will slow down your racing mind.

Please give it a try and let me know if it helped you or not. Remember, it may take a few times to get this right, to be able to stay focused, but once you are able to do this a few times, you should notice a big difference.

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